Monday, February 10, 2014

Canadian Heritage Collection

Advertising:  Reflections of Culture and Values by Rose Fine-Meyer and K. Gibson
“In the 21st century, it is difficult to imagine a world without advertising. Both in the home and out, we are bombarded with literally thousands of images selling products and concepts. Therefore, advertisements have become important primary documents for historians. This book offers a panoramic view of 20th Century Canada through a wide variety of advertisements.” –Back cover.
Canadian-American Relations by Charles Leskun and Tim Tobin
“The histories of Canada and the United States are inextricably woven. From the moment that the rebellious Thirteen Colonies removed themselves from the British Empire, both countries have developed in an interdependent way. This resource offers primary documents that will help the reader develop a deeper understanding of the long and storied relationship between these two proud, sovereign nations.” –Back cover.
Citizenship and Government by Rick Homan
“A nation that began as a constitutional compromise, Canada has often been described as ungovernable. Yet it is one of the most stable political systems in the world today. A diverse, multicultural population thrives within an officially bilingual framework that recognizes the original deal struck between the English and French. The primary documents in this book trace the stirring events leading to nationhood and beyond, and reveal the passions and insights of Canadian citizens from the late 19th century to the new millennium.” –Back cover.
Influential and Intriguing Canadians by Kim Gibson
“This book explores 20th century Canada through the words and actions of the Canadian men and women who have made their mark on the nation. The primary source documents offer insights into how these personalities helped shape Canadian history, from immigration to conservation, from finance to medical research.” –Back cover.
Labour and Social Reform by Miriam Bardswich and Sandra Fryer
“This book presents a unique overview of Canadian reform history from its roots in the nineteenth century through each decade of the twentieth century. These stories are told through a wide variety of images and perspectives in the primary documents included in this book.” –Back cover.
Nationalism and French Canada by Charles Leskun and Tim Tobin
The primary documents in this book will help the reader gain a better understanding of the long and storied relationship between Canada’s two founding cultures. –Summary.
Popular Culture by Miriam Bardswich and Gerry Campbell
“Popular culture identifies our heroes, and often reflects mainstream values and beliefs. It defines, and is defined by, what is important here and now. The images and other primary documents in this book capture exciting moments and trends in Canadian popular culture from 1900 to the beginning of the new millennium.” –Back cover.
The Economy: From Farms to Cyberworld by Thomas Wright and Linda Martin
“It has been over 100 years since Prime Minister Wilfred Laurier predicted that the 20th century would belong to Canada. The primary source documents in this book demonstrate how the Canadian economy was influenced by the dramatic changes brought about by periodic clusters of innovations, and has evolved from an agriculture-based society to a knowledge-based, hi-tech economy.”–Back cover.
The Immigrant Experience by Rose Fine-Meyer
“Canadians often use the word ‘mosaic’ to describe their country: a nation of immigrants with the capacity to preserve ethnic and cultural uniqueness within a country whose broader focus is civic nationalism. Debates over immigration policies, as well as acceptable intake numbers, however, continue into the 21st century. The primary documents in this book offer a survey of Canadian immigrants and the impact they have made on the cultural, economic, and social values of our Canadian society.” –Back cover.
The Visual Arts by Heather Miller
“It is hard to imagine a world without art. Traditionally historians have studied the art of nations to learn about the values and beliefs of their people. Twentieth-century Canadian art tells the story of a nation coming of age. This book offers and exciting visual record of that story through a wide range of primary source documents.”–Back cover.
Trade and International Relations by Ian Pettigrew and Jonathan Shoss
This book traces the dramatic evolution of Canada from colony to Dominion to independent state, and our quest for both recognition and a distinct role on the international stage. –Summary.
War and Peacekeeping by Jenifer Borda
“For the last one hundred years Canadian men and women in the military and on the Homefront have made tremendous sacrifices to secure peace in our country and all over the globe.This book explores Canada's participation in war and peacekeeping missions throughout the 20th century.” –Back cover.