Experimental Textiles by Kim Thittichai
artist Kim Thittichai continues to experiment with a variety of textile
techniques and media to guide and inspire textile artists to create their own
stunning pieces. –Summary.
Healthy Eating for Preteens and Teens by Leslie Beck
Healthy Eating for Preteens and Teens is a practical family
guide that covers every aspect of essential nutrition to help raise healthy
teens. In a super-size-me world, Leslie Beck provides strategies for making
healthy food choices and establishing good eating habits for life. –Summary.
How To Survive Modern Art by Susie Hodge
sections that cover the major movements and artists in the history of modern
art as well as introductions to its major themes, together with suggested ways
of looking at modern art and tips on where to see it, as well as a glossary of
key terms, How to Survive Modern Art
is the ideal book for anyone wanting to come to grips with this fascinating
subject.” –Publisher.
Impressionism: 50 Paintings You Should
Know by Ines
Janet Engelmann
of the most important works from the early nineteenth through the early
twentieth century are gorgeously reproduced, including the best of Monet,
Degas, van Gogh, Renoir, Cezanne, Cassatt, Manet, Seurat, and Pissarro. Each
piece is given a brief overview establishing its place in the Impressionist movement
as well as in its artist's body of work. –Summary.
Learn to Speak Dance: A Guide to
Creating, Performing, & Promoting Your Moves by Ann-Marie Williams
the culture of dance and why it is so appealing to us. Looks at dance moves,
and how to create and perform your own dance. Exposes every aspect of the world
of dance - from different dance styles from around the world to tips on
choreography, costume design, performance, staging, and even managing a
potential career. –Summary.
Strike a Pose: The Planet Girl Guide
to Yoga by
Karen Birkemoe and Heather Collett
juggling homework, a social life, and after-school activities? Use yoga to
clear your mind and get into the groove! –Summary.
Teens Speak, Boys Ages 16 to 18: Sixty
Original Character Monologues by Kristen Dabrowski
a collection of monologues on topics of interest to teenage boys, including
dating, family, and school. –Summary.
Teens Speak, Girls Ages 16 to 18:
Sixty Original Character Monologues by Kristen Dabrowski
a collection of monologues on topics of interest to girls from age sixteen to
eighteen, including relationships, school, and peer pressure. –Summary.
The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course
in Art History, From Prehistoric to Post-Modern by Carol Strickland and John Boswell.
“The Annotated Mona Lisa contains succinct
page-length essays and instructive sidebars. The graphic design of the book heightens
the reader's ability to retain an impressive amount of information, even
through a cursory reading. Incorporating more than 300 illustrations drawing on
the very elements of art-composition, movement, balance, color, and design,
this book provides a mini crash course in art history.” –Publisher.
The Beginning Runner's Handbook by Ian MacNeill
your reasons for starting a running program, this easy-to-use, practical book
will answer all of your questions. It shows you how to build strength and endurance,
get motivated and set realistic goals, choose proper shoes, eat right and avoid
sore muscles and injury. Most important, it gives you a step-by-step road map
for achieving running success.”–Publisher.
The Complete Guide to Watercolor by Ray Smith and Elizabeth Jane Lloyd
painting techniques and materials, and offers projects for painting buildings,
landscapes, and figures. –Summary.
Is Your Brain On Music
by Daniel Levitin
Whether you listen to Bach or Bono, music has a
significant role in your life--even if you never realized it. Why does music
evoke such powerful moods? The answers are at last becoming clear, thanks to
revolutionary neuroscience and the emerging field of evolutionary psychology. –Summary.