Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Burning Kingdoms by Lauren DeStefano
Internment Chronicles; Book Two           
“After escaping Internment, Morgan and her fellow fugitives land on the ground to finally learn about the world beneath their floating island home. The ground is a strange place where water falls from the sky as snow, and people watch moving pictures and visit speakeasies. A place where families can have as many children as they want, their dead are buried in vast gardens of bodies, and Internment is the feature of an amusement park. It is also a land at war” –Amazon

Call Me by My Name by John Ed Bradley
“Growing up in Louisiana in the late 1960s, Tater Henry has experienced a lot of prejudice. His town is slow to desegregate and slower still to leave behind deep-seated prejudice. Despite the town’s sensibilities, Rodney Boulett and his twin sister Angie befriend Tater, and as their friendship grows stronger, Tater and Rodney become an unstoppable force on the football field. That is, until Rodney sees Tater and Angie growing closer, too, and Rodney’s world is turned upside down. Teammates, best friends—Rodney’s world is threatened by a hate he did not know was inside of him.” –Amazon

Dorothy Must Die: Stories by Danielle Paige
”Three prequel novellas to the Dorothy Must Die series that follow Dorothy Gale as she transforms from good girl to Wicked Witch.” –WorldCat

Echoes of Us by Kat Zhang
Hybrid Chronicles; Book Three
”Fifteen-year-old Addie and Eva, still sharing a body as they fight for hybrid freedom, jump at the chance to go undercover and film the wretched conditions of a hybrid institution, but they price they might pay for the hope of a better future is higher than they could have imagined.” –WorldCat

The Ghosts of Heaven by Marcus Sedwick
”Four linked stories of discovery and survival begin with a Paleolithic-era girl who makes the first written signs, continue with Anna, who people call a witch, then a mad twentieth-century poet who watches the ocean knowing the horrors it hides, and concluding with an astronaut on the first spaceship from Earth sent to colonize another world.” –WorldCat

Golden Son by Pierce Brown
Red Rising Trilogy; Book Two
“As a Red, Darrow grew up working the mines deep beneath the surface of Mars, enduring backbreaking labor while dreaming of the better future he was building for his descendants. But the Society he faithfully served was built on lies. Darrow’s kind have been betrayed and denied by their elitist masters, the Golds—and their only path to liberation is revolution. And so Darrow sacrifices himself in the name of the greater good for which Eo, his true love and inspiration, laid down her own life. He becomes a Gold, infiltrating their privileged realm so that he can destroy it from within.” –Amazon

The Golden Specific by S. E. Grove
Mapmakers; Book Two
“It is the summer of 1892, one year since Sophia Tims and her friend Theo embarked upon the dangerous adventure that rewrote the map of the world. Since their return home to Boston, she has continued searching for clues to her parents’ disappearance, combing archives and libraries, grasping at even the most slender leads. Theo has apprenticed himself to an explorer in order to follow those leads across the country—but one after another proves to be a dead end. Then Sophia discovers that a crucial piece of the puzzle exists in a foreign Age. At the same time, Theo discovers that his old life outside the law threatens to destroy the new one he has built with Sophia and her uncle Shadrack. What he and Sophia do not know is that their separate discoveries are intertwined, and that one remarkable person is part of both.” –Amazon

Kalahari by Jessica Khoury
"Deep in the Kalahari Desert, a Corpus lab protects a dangerous secret. But what happens when that secret takes on a life of its own? When an educational safari goes wrong, five teens find themselves stranded in the Kalahari Desert without a guide.” –WorldCat